Monday, August 22, 2011

starting over

So here I am sorta starting over yet again.  I am trying to adopt a way of eating that is ideal for those of us with PCOS and that will help rid me of all this belly fat.  I have worked so hard to just have my bp drop (which is great) but for a year I have busted my behind only to be the same size.  So with this new way of eating I do much better and in fact in the first 2 days I lost 5 lbs (yay) but then I went to my mom's house for 5 days.  We ate out on the road almost everyday.  I came home 7 lbs heavier :(  so now to start over mostly.  I have not been to the gym but twice in August so it's going to be hard going at first but I will get there...this is my mission to be healthier all around.