Monday, September 8, 2014

A light has come on

Hi all,
My last post was when I became pregnant with my now 2 yr old son.  It has taken me this long to figure it all out and realize how much further I have to go.  I am working on getting back into fitness but I have finally learned the hard lesson that it really is 80% diet in this healthy life of losing weight.  I have struggled for so many years trying to find the right way, working my butt off in the gym and counting calories but to my dismay the pounds did not go away.  The great lesson learned is that not all calories are created equal.  There are bad calories and good calories and at the end of the day yes its all about intake and what was burned but when you eat garbage the weight does not come off.  I gave myself entitlement eating rights after working out for 90 hard minutes and really just ended up not gaining more weight from my crappy eating habits.  I have finally had the light turned on.  I gave up pasta 12 weeks ago, it was a trigger food.  See I came to realize I was a food addict, sneaking in ways to eat more, eating the wrong stuff.  I cannot eat pasta or fancy breads as I will clean out my cupboards, it will rule my world for several days and I just can't have that happening.  Some people can do the in moderation deal but I cannot.  It will take over my life and I have finally gained control.  It's empowering to figure it out, while I am still figuring it all out I have lost the most weight in recent months than I ever have.  I have blood work later this week so am excited to see if my liver is improving.  That is another story for another post but its a scary situation to be in and I am working smarter not harder to get it improved.  I hope to inspire others one day and feel I will be a great resource as I can honestly say I have been there and I get it.  
thanks for reading!