Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Its been a bit since my last post but its been so crazy.  So wish I could be like some of these moms that not only have a handle on their houses and kids but have time to blog, journal, plan, coupon, cook meals and anything else that I am forgetting.  But my post is more about this journey.  I have gotten a work out buddy of sorts now (we'll call her H)  H works out with me most days.  We decided to take a 6 weeks session of aerobics and are taking all kids of different classes to shake things up a bit.  It's day 2 of this fun adventure lol.  I am so sore from all the push-ups that I want to scream!  We did boot camp yesterday (self explanatory) and today we did body sculpting of which the instructor told us she got the work out from and article titled body perfection for women..ouch is all I can say...tomorrow is a hip hop dancing class that I am most excited about... hopefully I will be able to lift my arms to allow for dancing motions..all sarcasm aside its that good pain from working muscles that you forgot about so it's all good.  :-)  

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