Sunday, February 13, 2011


Why is finding a good eating lifestyle so freaking hard to stick with?  I like things that are good for me, I like to cook good things and I don't eat out BUT this weight is not coming off.  Every week (at the winter melt down challenge) I see people put up numbers losing anywhere from 3-9 lbs a week and I'm sitting the same or once in a while I lose 1 or 2 lbs...I lost 3 last week but somehow gained them back again by the official weigh in day....arrrgh I am sooo frustrated.  Then I think to myself holy cow I must be eating terribly to keep my weight steady when I am working out so much harder than I was...
My problem is that I love to eat and I am sure portion control is part of the problem as too much of anything isn't good for me.  I feel like an addict sometimes, never feeling full or satisfied looking for my next hit of something I can get my hands on to make me feel satisfied.  Its like I need some warm bread from the oven on noodles or some other carb overload of badness to make me feel satisfied but that feeling only lasts a short while and then I am miserable and sick so the next day I stay on track and eat salads and veggies and chicken and all that I am supposed to eat and feel a loss for all the carb filled yumminess that makes me feel yucky lol...I think I am sick in the head  sometimes.  But on the days I eat better I feel more energized and better overall, so one would think that would motivate me to greatness...yea right then I crave more bread and don't get me wrong it's not that the sandwich bread in the cabinet is in any danger its warn french bread or even plain speghetti...anyways I know it takes time and trial and error...I just hope my errors get less along with my weight....

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Accomplishment of the week!

The best way to describe yesterday and this morning is accomplished!  Yesterday working out I did a 45 min routine on the treadmill and actually ran 2 full minute sprints three times!!!!  So I would walk 8 min then sprint for 2 min and then do that all over again  YAY me  :-)  It was a small victory but felt awesome!
On the eating side of things we had pizza overload the past two days eating left overs and all that BUT  I didn't eat as much as I used to so that's another small battle won.  And last but not least I weighed myself this morning and am down 3 lbs!!!  YAY that exceeds my 2lb per week goal so I am very happy and accomplished today.

So with that great accomplished feeling is a bit of sadness as I couldn't make it to my class this morning for aerobics because my knee is acting wasn't made correctly when I was born to put it simply and once in a while it acts up, swells up and becomes hard to do much with so I figure take a day off and let it rest...hope you all enjoy your day I am spending mine with awesome friends and maybe just maybe I will still play the Wii for a little calorie burn  :-)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Pizza & The Wii

The pizza turned out good and my somewhat picky eaters in the house loved it....
The Wii was fun and I burned another 200 calories punching at a screen laughing with my son at how crazy fun this is...I recommend this game for fun working out that blasts the stress away too- good night all
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The Treadmill

Today as any other day I climbed on the treadmill filled with hope and excitement that I would hop on it and break into a graceful run as so many do at my gym ...but I am met with an apprehensive body that tells me my mind apparently thinks I am capable of more than my body can produce.  I so long to feel that runners high you hear about..but I keep walking on.  In my laziness I find that I can walk a bigger incline at the slower speed I prefer and still burn some bigger calories.  And at first I set the bar high and walk at a nice 3.0 mph ( I can do this yay and look at me go) and 2% incline and then slower...and slower.. I get to a 2.5mph and watch my (what I feel) to be terrible form in the reflection in the glass so I spend the next few minutes trying to convince my feet and knees to stop turning in and can't seem to make this happen...then a fleeting moment while I am surrounded by these magical runners I speed the belt up to 5.0mph and I go I can do this I tell myself just 2 minutes then you can fall back into that pace you love so much but 30 seconds shy I can actually see my heart beating in flashes of light so I figure I should slow down so I don't produce a heart attack right then...I slow down to 3.3 mph and now that pace seems slow...yay...I completed my workout today and increased my time to a full 60 minutes including a full 1 min and 30 sec run  lol  Now don't get me wrong my slower pace with a 8% incline is a killer workout!  :-)   I know that it will get better...I also (included in this time) completed a 28 minute fat burn program on the treadmill and I haven't been able to do that with out feeling like I will fly completely off the treadmill so with that I am feeling accomplished today..I think I will go play some Wii with my 4yr old (cardio boxing) ....

As for the eating I am do well for once.  As this journey to health isn't just about the workouts...I am trying to keep portions in control and eat the right things...tonight I am making home-made pizza (yeah I know) but I am making the crust and am going to put whole wheat flour into it instead of white so see if it still tastes  :-)