Saturday, February 5, 2011

Accomplishment of the week!

The best way to describe yesterday and this morning is accomplished!  Yesterday working out I did a 45 min routine on the treadmill and actually ran 2 full minute sprints three times!!!!  So I would walk 8 min then sprint for 2 min and then do that all over again  YAY me  :-)  It was a small victory but felt awesome!
On the eating side of things we had pizza overload the past two days eating left overs and all that BUT  I didn't eat as much as I used to so that's another small battle won.  And last but not least I weighed myself this morning and am down 3 lbs!!!  YAY that exceeds my 2lb per week goal so I am very happy and accomplished today.

So with that great accomplished feeling is a bit of sadness as I couldn't make it to my class this morning for aerobics because my knee is acting wasn't made correctly when I was born to put it simply and once in a while it acts up, swells up and becomes hard to do much with so I figure take a day off and let it rest...hope you all enjoy your day I am spending mine with awesome friends and maybe just maybe I will still play the Wii for a little calorie burn  :-)

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