Sunday, February 13, 2011


Why is finding a good eating lifestyle so freaking hard to stick with?  I like things that are good for me, I like to cook good things and I don't eat out BUT this weight is not coming off.  Every week (at the winter melt down challenge) I see people put up numbers losing anywhere from 3-9 lbs a week and I'm sitting the same or once in a while I lose 1 or 2 lbs...I lost 3 last week but somehow gained them back again by the official weigh in day....arrrgh I am sooo frustrated.  Then I think to myself holy cow I must be eating terribly to keep my weight steady when I am working out so much harder than I was...
My problem is that I love to eat and I am sure portion control is part of the problem as too much of anything isn't good for me.  I feel like an addict sometimes, never feeling full or satisfied looking for my next hit of something I can get my hands on to make me feel satisfied.  Its like I need some warm bread from the oven on noodles or some other carb overload of badness to make me feel satisfied but that feeling only lasts a short while and then I am miserable and sick so the next day I stay on track and eat salads and veggies and chicken and all that I am supposed to eat and feel a loss for all the carb filled yumminess that makes me feel yucky lol...I think I am sick in the head  sometimes.  But on the days I eat better I feel more energized and better overall, so one would think that would motivate me to greatness...yea right then I crave more bread and don't get me wrong it's not that the sandwich bread in the cabinet is in any danger its warn french bread or even plain speghetti...anyways I know it takes time and trial and error...I just hope my errors get less along with my weight....

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